Publication Data
Zhao et al. Streptomyces umbrella toxin particles block hyphal growth of competing species
Time lapse microscopy videos showing the growth of Streptomyces griseus in a microfluidic flow cell during exposure to the indicated media. Umb sup is a concentrated, semi-purified preparation of the umbrella toxins present in S. coelicolor culture supernatant; ∆umbC2 sup is a similar preparation of supernatant from a strain which does not produce Umb2.
Wang, Gallagher et al. Genetic manipulation of Patescibacteria provides mechanistic insight into microbial dark matter and the epibiotic lifestyle
Time-lapse microscopy videos, including those from which Figure 3 panels derive. These videos show the Patescibacterium Southlakia epibionticum growing with its Actinobacterial host, Actinomyces israelii. Image annotation and growth dynamics of select host cells are provided in several videos (example shown).
Cutler et al. Omnipose: a high-precision, morphology-independent solution for bacterial cell segmentation
Omnipose was trained on a large library of ground-truth images and corresponding labels. You can download the entire dataset at our OSF repository.